Limestone Equine Insurance Agency is an affiliate of Bradley Thoroughbred’s, LLC. Under the Limestone name, we provide competitive quotes with secure insurance markets such as Lloyd’s of London and A-rated domestic companies. We feel that our attention to detail, along with our bloodstock expertise and excellent customer service, gives us an edge in this competitive market.
Limestone’s relationship with these companies allows us to offer innovative quotes, on both straight and deductible policies. Because of our competitive rates, our straight quote policies are affordable, while our deductible policies can be tiered, allowing a payout on all claims.
Ashley Gott (Limestone Equine insurance)
These are the different types of insurance we offer:
Mortality insurance provides coverage against death or humane destruction occurring during the policy period as a result of an accident, injury, illness or disease that occurs during the policy period provided the horse is of sound health at the time of inception. Mortality coverage also insures against theft or unlawful removal. This policy is usually written on an annual basis.
Prospective Foal
Prospective Foal insurance provides coverage against a mare that is greater than 42 days in foal aborting, slipping, carrying twins or delivering a still born foal. Prospective Foal insurance also provides coverage against death of a live born foal during the policy period. This policy can extend through the foal standing and nursing, seven days after birth, 30 days after birth or twelve months after birth.
Stallion Availability
Stallion Availability insurance provides coverage in the event of the stallion not being available to cover a mare nominated to be bred to the stallion as a direct result of death, total disablement or inability to produce live sperm.
Breeding Package
The Breeding Package includes Stallion Availability insurance and Prospective Foal insurance as well as Barrenness coverage. Barrenness insurance provides coverage against the mare failing to get in foal from service or attempted service by the stallion during the breeding season.
Transit insurance provides coverage against death while a horse is being shipped from one country to another.
First Season Infertility
First Season Infertility insurance provides mortality coverage as well as coverage against stallion infertility during the first year the stallion enters the breeding shed.
Stallion Permanent Disability
Stallion Permanent Disability insurance provides coverage against the stallion becoming totally and permanently impotent, infertile or incapable of covering mares as a result of an accident, injury, illness or disease sustained or contracted during the policy period.